Friday, 30 January 2015

A Surprise Parcel Arrived!!

Yesterday a parcel arrived in the mail for Room 8. I will bring it to school on Monday so you can open it together. It's something for our classroom that will make learning even more fun! Can you guess what might be inside? 

From Miss Gentil


  1. Hmmmm, well it has animal stickers so is it something to hang off the vines?? But otherwise I have no idea haha. From Hazza.

    1. It's not something to hang off the vines. That was a good guess though! We'll have to find out on Monday. :)

  2. THANKYOU for the letter Miss Gentil. I'm wondering what the special gift is. I like the idea of a rainforest in the classroom. I'm looking forward to class this year.

    1. Hi Charlee, you're welcome! :) I hope you've had a fun summer holiday. I'm looking forward to school starting too. There are going to be lots of exciting things happening this year. Have a good weekend and I will see you on Monday. :)
